Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Draft selection criteria for Alberta Ski Team and Alberta Development Team for 2015-16 season for comments

Its that time of year.  Time to get to work on having conversations and drafting and creating important documents that will guide the direction of the Alberta Ski Team and AB Development Team programs during the 2015-16.  The goal of this effort is to optimize the investment in our provinces athletes given the policy directives of CCA.  My feeling is the best way to do this is to ask and to look for trends in best practice from other places.  This effort includes having meaningful conversations with coaches and clubs around the province - big, small, urban, rural.  The effort to draft and create AST documents and processes such as the selection criteria and program also includes looking at what is going on elsewhere where success is happening and clubs and athletes are engaged.  Looking at other provincial sport organizations such as Cross Country Ontario and Ski de Fond Quebec and what they are doing is important work in informing a vision of best practice in Alberta.  The work also includes engaging our national sport organization who see the work through the lens of the national program and how provinces can best feed into the big picture.  Exciting work, and work I am happy to lead.

Draft documents coming your way (the same documents are captured here)

During the first week of October you should receive a copy of the draft selection criteria and rationale documents for 2015-16 AST/ADT programs.  These documents are not a description of the program. The program is still under development.  The selection criteria and rationale describe for athletes, parents and coaches how an athlete qualifies for the AST or ADT programs.

Its important to note that these are DRAFT criteria.  The technical committee of Cross Country Alberta is looking for your feedback.  Specifically, as the AB Ski Team Director, I am very interested.

What has informed the work?

This past summer I undertook the pleasant task of convening conversations with coaches from all parts of Alberta.   This included coaches in Fort McMurray, Grande Prairie, Athabasca, St Albert, Sherwood Park, Edmonton, Devon, Camrose, Vermilion, Red Deer, Calgary, Bragg Creek, Canmore and Crowsnest Pass.  I learned alot of these conversations.  I learned that there are some very consistent ideas that resonate with coaches.

I then captured the themes from these conversations in a survey to validate whether these were in fact the themes that are important AB Coaches.  The survey results are found at

Its important to note that the evidence used to draft the selection criteria for the 2015-16 AB Ski teams (ADT/AST) was informed from the results of the survey of coaches.  You will note that I reference the survey and conversations as part of the rationale for the draft selection criteria.

The Task for you...

In the next few days, Cross Country Alberta will be sending out the draft criteria and rationale for your comments and further input.  As the AB Ski Director, I am interested in hearing your ideas and using those ideas to inform the creation of the 2015-16 AST/ADT programs.  Reviewing, Revising, and Approving the Selection Criteria is the first step in that process.

Please take a few minutes to review the documents I have copied onto this blogpost.  I include it here because i know that people like to receive their information in many ways.  Some people like to read blogs, others like to read emails.  For me, its important that communication is regular and plentiful about this sort of process and product.  They are the same documents you will receive from CCA.  If you can, please copy me on the feedback you give to CCA.

Our goal - to publish the Selection Criteria for AST/ADT programs by Oct 15, 2014.    What follows here is:

A. Draft ADT Selection Criteria
B. Rationale for ADT Selection Criteria
C. Draft AST Selection Criteria
D. Rationale for AST Selection Criteria

I thank you in advance for your comments.

Roy Strum
AST Director 2014-16
Cross Country Alberta


A. ADT Selection Criteria for 2015/16 - DRAFT

Team Size

24 athletes (12 males and 12 females)

Athlete Eligibility

1. Member in good standing of a registered CCA club

2. Alberta resident (defined as full time resident for 6 months prior to team selection date)

3. Holder of Alberta health care card

4. Born in 2000-2001

Nomination Acceptance Requirements

1. CCA athlete agreement signed by athlete, coach and parents

2. Athlete code of conduct signed by athlete

3. Cca athlete media form and medical form completed

4. Payment of ADT fee

Selection Criteria

A selection percentage score will be computed for eligible athletes as follows:

SC1. Alberta Cup points will be used for selection of ADT athletes based on the following 


- Best 6 of 9 races (where there are 9 AB Cup races in a season)

- Best 5 of 8 races (where there are 8 AB Cup races in a season)

- Best 5 of 7 races (where there are 7 AB Cup races in a season)

- Best 4 of 6 races (when there are 6 AB Cup races in a season)

- Best 4 of 5 races (when there are 5 AB Cup races in a season)

- Best 3 of 4 races (when there are 4 AB Cup races in a season)

- Best3 of 3 races (when there are 3 AB Cup races in a season)

- Best 2 of 2 races (when there are 2 AB Cup races in a season)

- Best 1 of 1 race (when there is only 1 AB Cup race in a season)

SC2. The 6 highest ranked 2000 boys and the 6 highest ranked 2000 girls will be selected. The 6 

highest ranked 2001 boys and the 6 highest ranked 2001 girls will be selected.

SC3. Where an athlete who is ranked in the top 6 males and top 6 females born 2000 or an 

athlete who is ranked in the top 6 boys or top 6 girls born in 2001do not accept their position, 

the next ranked athletes will be offered the position. 

SC4. Force Majeur factors – athletes selected under SC4 will be in addition to, not replace, 

athletes eligible under SC1, SC2, and SC3. A maximum of two additional athletes may be 

selected using SC4. “Force Majeure” means an unexpected event beyond the reasonable control 

of the athlete that crucially affects that athlete’s ability to compete (e.g. illness, injury, and 

transportation breakdown) and can be put forward as rationale for not having competed in or 

completed a selection race.

Selection timeline

Feb 1, 2015 – 2015-16 ADT program published on CCA website

April 10, 2015 – athlete rankings posted on CCA website

April 20, 2015 – ADT application deadline for all athletes ranked in the top 6 males and top 6 females for 

athletes born in 2000 and the top 6 males and the top 6 females for athletes born in 2001 

April 21, 2015 – round two of ADT athlete applications made available to any additional athletes based 

on higher ranked athletes not accepting their position on ADT

April 26 – ADT application deadline for all additional athletes.

May 1, 2015 – ADT announced

Selection Process

1. Selection Committee, made up of CCA technical committee and CCA sport manager, create 

AB Cup points list

2. CCA posted factored AB Cup ranking point list for eligible athletes

3. Eligible athletes whose names are in the top 6 males and 6 females for both 2000 and 2001 

birth years indicate in writing that they wish to accept their position on the ADT by the stated 


4. Additional athletes made eligible due to higher ranked athletes not accepting their position 

on the AST indicate in writing that they wish to accept their position on the ADT by the stated 


B. Alberta Development Team – 2015-16 Selection Criteria – Rationale and Summary Document

1. Summary of Proposed Criteria

2. Summary of Changes from 2014-15 Criteria

3. Rationale for Proposed Changes

4. Alignment with CCA Policy 

Summary of Proposed Criteria

a. Alberta Development Team is targeting a two year age group 2000 and 2001.

b. Alberta Development Team is selected entirely from Alberta Cup Series Aggregate 

points based on formula found in Selection criteria – e.g. best 6 of 9 races.

c. Alberta Development Team Selection process will use an application system instead of a 

selection system.

Summary of Changes

a. Two birth years are being targeted by this program instead of three as in previous 


b. Only Alberta Cup Series Aggregate points will be used for selection

c. Alberta Cup Aggregate points will be posted by April 10, 2015. Athletes will be 

encouraged to indicate their interest in participating in the ADT program by emailing 

CCA office and their club coach if they are within the selected group based on AB Cup 

aggregate points 

Rationale for Changes

a. The rationale for reducing number of years targeted by ADT is to make the target of 

the ADT Juvenile athletes. With a corresponding larger AST, first year junior boy/girl 

athletes who historically could be named to ADT if they didn’t meet AST criteria, will 

be have increased opportunity to be named to AST. This is better for these athletes 

because they move along with their peers to AST as junior boys/girls instead of being 

retained in ADT. Evidence based decision making is important when making changes. 

There is significant research about the negative effects of retention on motivation for 

continued effort towards improvement (John Hattie’s meta-analysis research indicates a 

r= -0.16 effect on future achievement when retention is used as a tool for engagement - ). 

b. There is significant evidence to support changing criteria to use only AB Cup series 

aggregate points for selection. LTAD recommends minimal travel for T2T athletes. 

The AST Director’s Survey of AB Coaches provides evidence that AB Coaches are highly 

supportive of this change -

09/results-of-alberta-ski-team-directors.html Over 80% of coaches, representing 18 

ski clubs, indicated support or strong support for this change. Zero respondents were 

opposed to this change.

c. AB Coaches (representing 18 clubs) indicated strong support for this change in their 

personal interviews and responses as evidenced by the results of the AST Director’s 

Survey of AB Coaches -

results-of-alberta-ski-team-directors.html Over 77% of coaches agreed or strongly 

agreed with this change. Less than 10% (2 respondents) were opposed to this change. 

This represents considerable support for this change.

4. Alignment with CCA Policy

a. AST policies align with the proposed changes

i. – this policy describes the outcomes of the ADT – all of which align with 

this proposed change. By focusing the program on juveniles, the program can 

have a increased impact on a greater number of juvenile athletes.

ii.4.3.2 – the proposed change of using only AB Cup aggregate points aligns 

completely with current ADT policy

C. AST Selection Criteria for 2015/16

Team Size

24 athletes (12 males and 12 females)

Athlete Eligibility

1. Member in good standing of a registered CCA club

2. Alberta resident (defined as full time resident for 6 months prior to team selection date)

3. Holder of Alberta health care card

4. Holder of valid CCC licence

5. Born in 1993-1999

Nomination Acceptance Requirements

1. CCA athlete agreement signed by athlete, coach and parents (if athlete is under 18 years of age)

2. Athlete code of conduct signed by athlete

3. Cca athlete media form and medical form completed

4. Payment of AST fee

Selection Criteria

A selection percentage score will be computed for eligible athletes as follows:

SC1. A factored CPL point based on 50% of distance CPL and 50% of sprint CPL points (of 

average of top athletes in each of 1993-1995, 1996-97 and 1998-99) will be calculated and 

posted on CCA website a minimum of three business days after April CPL points are posted on 

CCC website.

SC2. A minimum of two junior men and two junior women, and a minimum of two junior boys 

and two junior girls and two U23 men and two U23 women will be selected.

SC3. Where an athlete who are ranked in the top 10 males and top 10 females born 1996-1999 

who do not accept their position, the next ranked athletes will be offered the position. 

SC4. Force Majeur factors – athletes selected under SC4 will be in addition to, not replace, 

athletes eligible under SC1, SC2, and SC3. A maximum of two additional athletes may be 

selected using SC4. “Force Majeure” means an unexpected event beyond the reasonable control 

of the athlete that crucially affects that athlete’s ability to compete (e.g. illness, injury, and 

transportation breakdown) and can be put forward as rationale for not having competed in or 

completed a selection race.

Selection timeline

Feb 1, 2015 – 2015-16 AST program published on CCA website

April 10, 2015 – athlete rankings posted on CCA website

April 20, 2015 – AST application deadline for all athletes ranked in the top 10 males and top females for 

athletes born 1996-1999 and for the top ranked 2 males and top ranked 2 females born 1993-1995.

April 21, 2015 – round two of AST athlete applications made available to any additional athletes based 

on higher ranked athletes not accepting their position on AST

April 26 – AST application deadline for all additional athletes.

May 1, 2015 – AST announced

Selection Process

1. Selection Committee, made up of CCA technical committee and CCA sport manager, create 

factored CPL ranking list

2. CCA posted factored CPL point list for eligible athletes

3. Eligible athletes whose names are in the top 10 males and 10 females indicate in writing that 

they wish to accept their position on the AST by the stated deadline

4. Additional athletes made eligible due to higher ranked athletes not accepting their position 

on the AST indicate in writing that they wish to accept their position on the AST by the stated 


D. Alberta Ski Team – 2015-16 Selection Criteria – Rationale and Summary Document

1. Summary of Proposed Criteria

2. Summary of Changes from 2014-15 Criteria

3. Rationale for Proposed Changes

4. Alignment with CCA Policy 

1. Summary of Proposed Criteria

a. Alberta Ski Team targets a four year age group of 1996-1999

b. Alberta Ski Team includes U23 athletes born 1993-1995 primarily for recognition 


c. Alberta Ski Team selection criteria are selected based on CPL points factored equally 

between sprint and distance points (50/50)

d. Alberta Ski Team ensures that a minimum number of male and female athletes and 

athletes from each of junior boy/girl and junior men/women and U23 men/women are 

selected to the team

e. Alberta Ski Team athletes are responsible for applying for AST positions based on the 

factored CPL point list published on CCA website no later than April 10, 2015 if they are 

identified as ‘selected’ on the published factored CPL point list.

f. 24 team spaces will be made available to eligible athletes.

g. No minimum % of top three athletes from CPL point list should be used as minimum 


2. Summary of Changes from 2014-15 criteria

a. A four year age of junior boy/girl and junior men/women is consistent with previous


b. U23 athletes will be identified as part of Alberta Ski Team. This is consistent with

current CCA AST policy. The primary purpose of including U23 athletes is for recognition

purposes, but also to align with CCA’s Canada Winter Games program priorities.

c. AST selection will be based on factored CPL points – proposed as 50% of sprint points +

50% of distance points from April 2015 CCC CPL points list.

d. AST will ensure a minimum number of athletes are included from eligible categories.

e. Eligible athletes, who are identified on the factored CPL points list published on CCA

website by April 10, 2015 will be encouraged to apply for their position on AST.

f. Team size will be increased. CCA funding for the program will remain the same.

Athletes ranked 1-6 on the factored CPL point list published by April 10, 2015 on CCA

website will pay current AST team fee (or less if possible); athletes ranked 7-12 on the

factored point list will pay the actual cost of team participation (unsubsidized by CCA


g. Minimum qualification for AST of 90% of average of top three athletes in category on

CPL point list should be removed.

3. Rationale for Proposed Changes

a. The four year age group of junior b/g and junior m/w is not a change from current AST

selection criteria. There is a change proposed that the ADT no longer include any junior

boy/girl athletes on that team. The rationale is to not keep same age peers together

moving along athlete development pathway. The evidence supporting this change is

found in educational research by John Hattie’s meta-analysis looking at retention in a

lower level program when learners do not attain the higher level outcome satisfactorily.

Hattie’s research indicates a negative (r=-0.16) influence on future achievement when

learners are retained. There is no known research directly related to this effect with

athletes in athlete development programs. Nonetheless, the belief is that Hattie’s

research is relevant to ‘learning’ contexts such as AST.

b. U23 athletes are included in current AST policy 4.4.1 U23 athletes have not been

included in the past number of years on the AST. This choice of previous Technical

Committees to not include U23 athletes has been their decision but is not consistent

with CCA AST policy. Including U23 athletes in AST has broad based support of Alberta

Coaches as evidenced in AB Ski Team Director’s Survey of Alberta Coaches http://
directors.html Over 70% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that U23 athletes

should be included in AST program. Only 1 respondent of 22 in the survey (4% of

respondents) felt that U23 athletes should not be included in the AST. This evidence

represents significant support for including U2 athletes in AST program. AST policy 4.4.2

provide direction to the Technical Committee to be responsive to the expressed needs

of club coaches.

c. Factored CPL points based on 50% of sprint and 50% of distance CPL points from

the April CCC CPL points list should be used to select AST athletes. The evidence

that supports this change is consistency with other ski jurisdictions e.g. the highest

performing jurisdiction in Canada over the past three years, Ski de Fond Quebec uses a

factored CPL points list for their team selection. Quebec athletes have represented the

majority of athletes qualifying for World Junior teams over the past number of years.

Additonal evidence in support of this change is that more than 77% of AB coaches

responding to AB Ski Team Director’s Survey of AB Coaches agree or strongly agree that

factored CPL points should be used. The belief is that by factoring CPL points, athletes

are encouraged to be successful at both sprint and distance competition. The belief, as

expressed in personal interviews with coaches during July-Aug 2014, is that selection

based off of either best sprint or best distance encourages the specialization at an

early age of athletes as either sprinters or distance skiers. This early specialization is

inconsistent with LTAD. AST policy 4.4.2 provide direction to the Technical Committee to

be responsive to the expressed needs of club coaches.

d. Stating a minimum number of athletes from eligible categories on AST is important so

that athletes from these categories are included on the AST. Evidence for this change

is provided by the fact that there are only 2 junior men and zero junior women on

the current 2014-15 AST. Currently there are zero U23 athletes on the 2014-15 AST.

Statistics support the notion that there is huge drop off of participation of racers after

junior boy/girl categories. CCA should be leveraging the tools available to support

and encourage lifelong participation in competitive cross country skiing – policy 4.4.2.

AST policy 4.4.2 provide direction to the Technical Committee to be responsive to the

expressed needs of club coaches.

e. Eligible athletes as indicated on factored CPL point list to be published by CCA on CCA

website by April 15, 2014, will be required to apply for their position. This is a change

from current procedure. The role of Technical Committee would change to being

responsible for creating the factored CPL point list and accepting the applications of

eligible athletes. In addition if there are any spaces available due to eligible athletes

not choosing to apply for a positon on AST, The Technical Committee’s job would be

to invite additional applications from the next highest ranked athletes on the factored

CPL Points list. This change would give atheltes the responsibility to indicate interest

and ensure that all available positions on the AST are filled. This would address the

current procedural gap in filling the AST with athletes who are eligible e.g. the 2014-15

AST has only 4 females even though a minimum of 6 females is stated in 2014-15 AST

selection criteria. Additional evidence for this change is provided by AB Coaches ( from

18 clubs) in their responses to the AB Ski Director’s Survey of AB Coaches from Sept

team-directors.html Over 77% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that it would

increase transparency for athletes, clubs, and coaches if athletes applied for positions

based on a published ranking list. Less than 10% of respondents disagreed with the

process of having athletes apply for positions. This provides clear support for this

change. AST policy 4.4.2 provide direction to the Technical Committee to be responsive

to the expressed needs of club coaches.

f. AST team size should increase to accommodate recognition of the top AB U23 athletes,

and deselection of athletes from ADT to AST programs. CCA AST policy 4.4.2 provides

directives around ensuring sustainability of the AST programs thus additional spaces

in the 2015-16 AST program compared to 2014-15 AST program, would need to be

on a cost recovery basis. AB Coaches supported increasing the size of the AST to

24 athletes in the AB Ski Team Directors Survey of AB Coaches in Sept 2014 http:/

directors.html Over 77% of coaches (representing 18 AB ski clubs) agree or strongly

agree with this change. Less than 5% of coaches disagree with increasing the size of AST

to 20-24 athletes. This represents considerable support for this change.

g. The minimum qualification for eligible athletes of 90% of the average of the top 3

athletes in the competitive category as found on April CPL points list (as written in 2014-

15 AST criteria) should be lowered or removed. Over 77% of respondents (representing

18 AB ski clubs) indicated support for ensuring that criteria were not set so high

that AB athletes could not meet the standard. http://albertaskiteamdirector2014- This is evidenced

by the fact that there are only 2 junior men on the 2014-15 AST and zero junior women

on the 2014-15 AST. Removing or lowering the minimum standard would ensure that

the best AB athletes who would like to participate in the AST program are eligible to


4. Alignment with CCA policy

a. Identification of the four year age group 1996-1999. Policy 4.4.1 identify athletes aged

b. Inclusion of U23 athletes in AST selection criteria and program. Policy 4.4.1

c. Factored CPL points. CCA AST policy 4.4.2 direct CCA TC to consult with clubs, coaches...

d. Stating a minimum number of athletes from eligible categories. Policy 4.4.2 states that

e. Application process for eligible athletes. Policy 4.4.3 indicates that CCA will be

f. Increased size of AST. Policy 4.4.1 states that CCA will support competitive athletes

g. Minimum % eligibility. Policy 4.4.1 states that AST will support competitive athletes

17-23. 2014-15 AST selection criteria identify this relative four year age group as the

target of the AST program

identifies athletes aged 17-23 as the target of AST. 2014-15 AST selection criteria

identifies ‘alumni’ as eligible. Identifying U23 as part of the AST is more consistent with

stated policy and CCA programs such as Canada Winter Games (this program targets

U23 athletes)

about the development of AST program. CCA club coaches indicated support for using

factored CPL points. In addition, policy directs CCA to be consistent. Consistency to

external top performing Canadian ski jurisdictions is being used to inform this change.

AST should identify and recognize athletes who aspire to CCC programs. CCC program

access is limited to a small number of top performing junior men/women. Therefore,

CCA should address this gap by ensuring that there are a minimum number of junior

men/women on the AST.

responsible for a fair selection process. Creating a ranked list and giving responsibility

to athletes to apply is fair and increases transparency

in the pursuit of excellence. In addition Policy 4.4.2 states that programs must be

sustainable in nature, therefore, any increase in size of program would need to be

financed through a cost recovery model for lower ranked athletes. Additionally, Policy

4.4.2 states that consultation with clubs, coaches, etc will be undertaken to design

the AST program. Considerable consultation was undertaken in the form of personal

interviews with 22 coaches from 18 clubs during july-august 2014 and additional a

survey of club coaches was undertaken to inform the selection criteria and program


aged 17-23. Policy 4.4.3 indicate that selection will be based on fair criteria. To ensure

that the best Alberta athletes who are interested in participating in the AST program are

included, the minimum % eligibility needs to be lowered or removed. This is evidenced

by the fact that there are zero junior women on the 2014-15 AST despite this group of

athletes being identified as the target of the program.